Museum Introduction

The National Museum of Chinese Writing is a national first-level museum approved by the State Council, integrating cultural relic protection, exhibition, and scientific research. It serves as a popular science center for Chinese character culture, a national science education base, and a national patriotic education demonstration base. 

The first phase of the National Museum of Chinese Writing was completed and opened to the public on November 16, 2009, with the Chinese Character Park and the subsequent construction project completed and opened on November 16, 2022. The two phases of the project cover a total area of 470 acres, mainly including the main buildings of Xuanwen Pavilion, Huiwen Pavilion, Bowen Pavilion, and the Chinese Character park, a modern cultural center park with a distinct theme, comprehensive functions, and unique style. 

The Xuanwen Pavilion, Huiwen Pavilion, and Bowen Pavilion, when viewed from above, resemble the Chinese character of “he”(unity), reflecting the traditional cultural concept of “unity of heaven and humanity.” Among them, the Xuanwen Pavilion features a special exhibition, “One Oracle Bone Startles the World” and the permanent exhibition on “The History of the Development of Chinese Writing", providing a comprehensively display of the evolution of Chinese writing. The Huiwen Pavilion’s special exhibitions “Chinese Characters and Folklore”, “Illustrious Garden of Writing” and “Trove of Lexicons and Dictionaries”, highlight the history of character development, offering a deeper interpretation and a more holistic presentation of character culture. The Bowen Pavilion’s special exhibition "The Universe in Chinese Characters” offers an experiential journey through evolution of Chinese characters, blending education and entertainment to develop an enjoyable learning experience that captures attention while delivering educational material. 

The Chinese Character Park is located on the east and west sides of the museum, covering a total area of 214 acres. It includes six Chinese character cultural exhibition areas: “The Origins of Chinese Characters”, “The Evolution of Chinese Characters”, “The Fun of Chinese Characters”, “The Beauty of Chinese Characters”, “The Rhyme of Chinese Characters”, and “The Power of Chinese Characters”.

A Word from The Curator
The Curator of the National Museum of Chinese Writing
Huang Dekuan

Chinese civilization has a long and profound history. Chinese characters play a vital role in inheriting and developing Chinese history and culture. The history of Chinese characters can be traced back to as early as the Xia dynasty. The discovery of oracle bone inscriptions in Yin Ruins in Anyang 120 years ago revealed the basic features of language and characters during the Yin-Shang period. In the long river of history, the stability and continuity of the Chinese character system has enabled the sustainable development and preservation of Chinese historical and cultural forms, and the spirit of Chinese culture has been able to remain consistent and unbroken, shining brightly to this day. 

The National Museum of Chinese Writing, located in Anyang, is the only national-level museum in China dedicated to the theme of characters. Anyang is a holy land of Chinese writing, and the Yin Ruins, the capital of the late Yin and Shang dynasties, unearthing over 100,000 oracle bones that recorded and preserved the history of the late Yin and Shang dynasties for more than 200 years, making them precious samples of language and writing in that era. The Yin Ruins have been listed as a World Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and oracle bone inscriptions have been listed on the Memory of the World. The reason behind the creation of this distinctive character museum in Anyang is the city's deep historical and cultural heritage, along with the significant unearthing of oracle bones. 

Since its opening in 2009, under the care of relevant national ministries and commissions, the Henan Provincial Government, and the Anyang municipal government, with strong support from relevant cultural and museum departments and units across the country, the Party Committee of the museum, along with its two curators, Feng Qiyong and Li Xueqin, has led all museum staff in taking on the responsibility of inheriting and promoting the culture of Chinese characters, exploring and innovating, and making unremitting efforts. Through various thematic exhibitions and colorful activities, the museum has gradually established its own brand, making a broad impact domestically and internationally and better reflecting the functional positioning and building purpose of the National Museum of Chinese Writing. It has played a unique role in inheriting, disseminating, and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture, especially Chinese character culture, achieving remarkable results. 

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made several important speeches on promoting outstanding traditional Chinese culture. In May 2016, at the National Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the importance of developing “abstruse disciplines” and niche disciplines with great cultural value and heritage significance. These disciplines may have limited relevance to our modern society, but they need to be able to be developed and applied when needed, as the old saying goes, “A thousand days the country nurtures its soldiers and all for one day's battle.” Some disciplines are vital to cultural inheritance, such as the study of ancient Chinese characters including oracle bone inscriptions. It is important to prioritize these disciplines and ensure that they are carried out and passed on. The speech of General Secretary has pointed out the direction for the work of our museum. To implement the spirit of the General Secretary's speech, the museum has been actively soliciting excellent oracle bone script interpretation from the society and participating in the work of oracle bone script interpretation under the background of big data and cloud platform technology. These efforts greatly enhanced the academic stature of the museum and expanded its social influence.

Since the opening of the National Museum of Chinese Writing, although much pioneering work has been done, experience has been gained, and outstanding achievements have been made, the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture is a long-term historical task. The journey to promote Chinese character culture is still on-going and not yet concluded. Against the backdrop of the great development of the national economy and society, as well as the prosperity of culture, the museum should undertake its mission with a high degree of cultural awareness. I am eager to work with museum colleagues and all sectors of society to seize opportunities, face challenges, and build upon past work to create new glory for the National Museum of Chinese Writing, making new and greater contributions to contemporary cultural construction.
